Website Packages



Domain name registration

Hosting (choice for server: USA, NL, TH)

WordPress installation

Optimization WordPress system settings

Installation extra plug-ins

Installation Genesis Framework

Theme (choice of 12 designs)

Add company logo/details to theme

Add 8 pages with your content *)

WordPress instruction videos

Monthly update of WordPress and plug-ins

Monthly backup of website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Evaluation

Keywords advice and selection

Monthly SEO

Setup and integration of Google Analytics

Setup and integration of Google Webmaster tools

Setup Google Local (formerly Google Places)

Social Media Integration


Email capture and mailing list building

Monthly email campaign

Quarterly performance report

Monthly insights call (20 minutes)

One-time investment

US$720US$975US$1,230From US$1,250

Monthly costs


Extra information (click info-icon)

*) Extra pages will cost US$ 25 each.

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